European Union has enacted the Artificial Intelligence Law

The law that has entered into force bans artificial intelligence systems that use biometric classification to extract personal data such as sexual orientation.

The European Union (EU) has enacted the Artificial Intelligence Law. The law, which is the first in the world and came into force on August 1, classifies the risks of artificial intelligence and provides safeguards to protect human rights. In other words, it aims for artificial intelligence systems used in EU member states to operate in a way that does not harm human rights and security. The law in question stipulates severe penalties for rights violations in this regard.

Within the scope of the law, low-risk artificial intelligence systems such as computer games and spam filters are subject to less regulation. Stricter rules are introduced for high-risk applications. Areas that will seriously affect human life, such as exam scoring, surgical procedures, employment procedures, evaluations for bank loans and examination of visa applications, are classified as “high risk” under the law.

According to the law; Artificial intelligence systems that fall into the “unacceptable” risk group are completely banned. In this context, obtaining facial images from the internet or closed camera systems, emotion recognition in the workplace and in educational institutions, social scoring, and biometric classification to extract sensitive data such as sexual orientation or religious beliefs are all prohibited.

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