Turkey: A shameless  attack on LGBT+ kids

Turkey’s president Erdoğan launches a shameless, brazen attack on LGBT+ kids.

Turkey’s president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has praised young people in his party for not being LGBT+, lambasting queer youth as “vandals”.

Erdoğan made his comments during an online address to members of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) on Monday (1 February), according to Duvar.

Speaking to young people in Turkey, Erdoğan said: “We’ll carry our youth to the future, not as LGBT+ youth, but like the youth from this country’s glorious past.”

He continued: “You are not the LGBT+ youth. You are not the youth who vandalises, but you are those who mend those vandalised hearts.”

He went on to claim that he “respects” all views and identities as long as they are not linked to “terror, immorality, perversion and violence”.

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan thinks LGBT+ people are ‘poisoning’ the youth. 

Source: PinkNews

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