People of Izmir took to the streets against the hate rally
The people of Izmir took to the streets against the hate rally: We are not silent, we are not afraid, we are not obeying!
The people of Izmir took to the streets against the hate rally: We are not silent, we are not afraid, we are not obeying!
LGBTI+ organizations took to the streets against the hate rally in İzmir, and more than twenty democratic institutions supported the action. This was reported by KaosGL.
We remind you that this hate rally held today clearly targets the right to life of LGBTI+s.
LGBTI+s from Izmir and their families, “LGBTI+s unite against hate rallies in Izmir and all over Turkey; We are taking over the flag of rebellion against the hate marches” and gathered in front of Türkan Saylan Cultural Center today on November 6th.
The organisations that supported the statement organised by LGBTI+s in Izmir, İzmir 20 Kasım Platformu, 18 Haziran LGBTİ+, Direnişin Renkleri, Genç LGBTİ+ Derneği, İzmir LGBTİ+ Aile Grubu ve Lavender LGBTİQ+ were as follows:
Barış İnşası İnisiyatifi, Doğanın Çocukları, Demir Leblebi Fanzin, Devrimci Öğrenci Birliği, Foça Barış Kadınları, Halkların Köprüsü Derneği, İzmir Feminist Kolektif, İzmir Kadın Dayanışma Derneği, İzmir Kadın Platformu, Kadınlar Birlikte Güçlü İzmir, Kadın Savunma Ağı, Kadın Yazarlar Derneği, Kampüs Cadıları, Mor Dayanışma, Mor Sarmaşık, Öğrenci İnisiyatifi, Özgürlükçü Gençlik, Serüven Kültür, SYKP, TİP LGBTİ+ Komisyonu, TÖP, Yeni Demokrat Gençlik, Yeni Demokrat Kadınlar, Yeşil Gelecek Derneği, Yeşil Sol Parti.
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