Roskomnadzor began to implement blocking of LGBTI+ content
Roskomnadzor will begin blocking pirated services that include “LGBT propaganda” in their video content
Roskomnadzor began to implement new blocking of LGBTI+ content
Roskomnadzor (Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications) will begin blocking pirated services that include “LGBT propaganda” in their video content.
Previously, responsibility for demonstrating queer content in Russia lay only with legal services, but now pirated services, for example, Zetflix-online or LordFilm, may well be checked in the near future, Vedomosti reports.
According to representatives of Roskomnadzor, they have developed a mechanism for blocking such resources. It combines information from the Unified Register of Prohibited Materials and another database where legal services upload links to pirated content of their own free will.
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