AZAL made a statement
Yesterday, Nazila Muradova, who presented herself as AZAL employee, shared identification card of a transgender person and turned it into a laughing object.
An official statement from AZAL regarding the dissemination of a transgender individual document
Yesterday, Nazila Muradova, who presents herself as AZAL employee, shared identification card of a transgender person and turned it into a laughing object.
Nazila Muradova also mentioned in her comments where they had fled. Regardless of the identity of the citizen, the employee has violated serious offenses such as unauthorized access to confidential information, abuse of power.
ID information was edited by us, Nazila Muradova shared the passport openly.
Activist Gulnara Mehdiyeva said on Facebook: "We know that if a citizen would fit into social molds, the passport would never be shared. This is a clear transphobia. "
“Such cases reduce confidence, minimize the confidentiality of our personal information.”
Another activist, Hamida Giyasbayli, said: "As citizens of this country, we will not be able to rely our personal information on those who abuse their power, so that tomorrow some information will not be welcomed, and it means our passport can be shared."
This was condemned on social networks and the activists demanded Azerbaijan Airlines - AZAL to dismiss Nazila Muradova and officially apologize for the case.
Today, "Azerbaijan Airlines" CJSC has officially responded to activists on Facebook:
“On May 26, 2019, the post of employee of Azerbaijan Airlines CJSC Nazila Muradova resonated on social networks and, accordingly, the airline carried out an in-house investigation.
According to the results of the investigation it was found out that the employee of "Azerbaijan Airlines" CJSC Nazila Muradova and two other employees made a serious mistake by sharing personal information of passenger. In this regard, all of the three employees were immediately dismissed.
We apologize to our passengers and our society about this issue.
We express our profound gratitude to our society for the publicizing and demonstrating the right position.”