Gender Resource Center accepts articles

Gender Resource Center has announced an open call for articles for those who want to write on gender-related topics.

Gender Resource Center has announced an open call for articles (academic, semi-academic, journalistic, opinions, multimedia) on gender-related topics in such areas as: "Heterenormativity", "Constructivist gender sciences", "Gender and psychology", "Gender and education", "Gender and peace building", "Existence and problems of the Queer community", "Gender and religion", "Islamic feminism" , "Feminist Climate Movements", "Feminist Epistemologies", "Queer Theory", "Masculinism", "Intersectional Theory" and etc.

Word limit for articles (academic, semi-academic, journalistic, opinion-based): 1500 words

Multimedia - video: short (maximum 15 minutes)

The articles are expected to be completed by November 28 and then published on the Gender Resource Center's website.

Note: There is a payment for each article.

Deadline for applications: October 28, 2021

You can use this link to apply.

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