Intersex activist makes history and runs for election in India
Chinju Aswathi says intersex Indians face serious daily human rights abuses.
Intersex activist makes history and runs for election in India
Chinju Aswathi says intersex Indians face serious daily human rights abuses. Chinju Aswathi is the first intersex Indian to run for national parliamentary elections in India. Aswathi is running for a seat in the lower house of parliament representing Ernakulam in the southern state of Kerala.
Çinju Asvati
They said the lives of intersex Indians are even worse than transgender citizens. ’Society is not ready to recognize its (intersex) segment’ they told Newsrupt.
They said that intersex rights were abused in Kerala and young intersex people were often forced to live as men or women.
About 1.7% of people are born with atypical sex characteristics, including variations in the chromosomes, genitalia, gonads, or sex hormones.
Doctors worldwide typically perform surgery on those born with variations.
A group of European doctors last year advised postponing surgery until the child can be involved in the decision.
Aswathi said they would work with other marginalized Keralans such as LGBTI, minority Dalits, fishermen, and women.