Georgian parliamentary committees supported the bill banning “LGBT propaganda”

Georgian parliamentary committees have approved a package of legislative changes aimed at banning “LGBT propaganda” in the country.

The decision was supported by the committees: education, science and youth affairs, industrial economics and economic policy, human rights and civil integration, as well as health and social issues. After the first reading, the bill will be sent to the legal committee and then put to a plenary vote.

Current amendments prohibit the registration of any marriages other than the union of a man and a woman, as well as the adoption of minors by same-sex couples. Criminal penalties are being introduced for surgery for transition - from 1 to 4 years in prison. For “LGBT propaganda” in educational institutions, individuals will be fined 1.5 thousand GEL, legal entities - 4 thousand GEL. The media will be prohibited from broadcasting same-sex scenes and advertising of similar content. For violation, fines are provided: 800 GEL for individuals and 2.5 thousand GEL for legal entities.

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